Blogging on – The Setup

If you want to start blogging on you better should be prepared.J.P.

I like the spirit of very much. It still tastes so fresh and feels like a open playground without static rules like some other social networks. This step-by-step guide will help you, if you want to use the blog capabilities, provided by

  •  Step Zero – Show them your personality

If you want to blog, it is would be a good idea, to set up your avatar. Simply click on the small triangle next to your name in the grey navigation bar and choose ‘Edit Profile’ (or click this link). After the next page loaded choose at the left side ‘Profile’ and the following should be self explaining.

  • Step One – Tell them who you are

This is the real guts of this posting. It took me some effort to find out how get there, but now I will share my wisdom with you 🙂 You can enrich your blog with some personal information about you and also choose a name for your blog! Choose in the ‘Blogs’ menu of the header the item ‘Dashboard’ (or simply click on this link). Then move your mouse to the gear in the grey navigation bar choose ‘Edit your settings’ (or click this link). Now you found Pandorra’s Box. Congratulations! 😀

  • Step Two – Tell them how to find you

At not everything is perfect nor finished yet. If someone reads one of your blog entries he might want to read more, written by you. Unfortunately it is fiddling, to find the address of other users blog, especially if the have set Blog Permalink in the blog settings. To give others a chance finding your blog, you could insert the blog address as plain text in your Blog description in the settings (Step One). It is either or

Be aware that some characters of your user name might be replaced by others. For example the ‘.’ in my name was replaced by a ‘-‘! So it is always a good idea to set a Blog Permalink.

I hope this post will help you in starting with your blog. If you want to know, what others have written, you might want to visit

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